Executive committee and their roles

The Chairperson shall:

be responsible for the overall leadership and welfare  of the Association, particularly in promoting the interests of the members and the good name of the Association;

  • shall convene and preside over all the meetings of the Executive committee and the General Meetings of the Association;
  • Give an Annual report covering all activities of the Association during his term of office at the Annual General Meeting.

The Deputy-Chairperson shall:

  • Assist the Chairperson in the fulfillment of his duty as specific.
  • Deputize for the Chairperson in his absence or in case of inability to fulfill his duties as specified above.
  • Discharging of such relevant duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson and the general meeting

The General Secretary shall:

  • Directly be in charge of the association’s administrative office and the supporting staff.
  • Record minutes of all meetings and keep the Minute Books of the Association;
  • Keep an up-to-date register of members of the Association;
  • Discharging of such relevant duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson and the general meeting.

The Secretary Publicity & Mobilization and shall:

  • Be responsible for member recruitment and to promote and advance the welfare and social interest of the members of the Association.
  • Be responsible for internal and publicity and advocacy on behalf of the association
  • Be in charge of all the correspondence and information dissemination and advance publications by the association.
  • The advancement and protection of the occupational interests of members of the Association in relation of the Association in relation of the to their service of the Financial Services Industry;
  • Deputize for the secretary in his absence or in case of inability to fulfill his duties as specified above.
  • To cultivate and maintain collaboration and co-operation between members of the Association and other stakeholder entities in Uganda and beyond within the broader interest of the Association
  • Discharging of such relevant duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson and the general meeting.

The Treasurer shall be responsible for:

  • Collecting membership subscriptions;
  • Safe keeping of the monies and other property of the Association.
  • Discharging of such relevant duties as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Chairperson.

The Secretary for Research & Development shall be responsible for;

  1. Building and managing Information resources for the advancement of the research function of the association
  2. Arranging and provide leadership to the training and professional development function of the association for its members and clients
  • Preparing research reports and publications in areas of interest to the Digital Finance profession
  1. Arrange and manage awards programs to outstanding individuals and entities in society for their contribution to the digital financial services field
  2. Discharging of such relevant duties as may from time to time be assigned to him/her by the Chairperson and the general meeting.

The Executive Committee shall:

  • Collectively be responsible for the effective and successful administration of the Association in accordance with its aims and the implementation of the recommendations of the General Meetings;

Have the authority to co-opt any member or members of the Association to the Executive Committee, to assist it in fulfilling its duties.

    • To formulate policies that will enhance and facilitate the fulfillment of the association’s objectives.
    • To co-ordinate an integrated approach for the activities of the association.
    • Perform any other duty incidental upon the fulfillment of the association’s objectives.

Representation of the Association

a) The Association shall be represented by the Chairperson and / or any other member determined by the General meeting on any Entity/ body to which this association is a member or affiliated;

b) The Executive committee shall nominate a representative from among itself, employees or the membership to any workshop, seminar, training or similar function to which the association has been invited or is required to participate